"Someone stole 500 pounds of canned food -- representing the entire haul so far in the Mayor's Annual Food Drive -- from the community-room kitchen at the Genoveva Chavez Community Center. "
That was donation food for the hungry!
Non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, moderation, non-possessiveness, purity, contentment, discipline, study, surrender--
what a beautiful list of observances and restraints for a yogi to practice! Patanjali concurs, and he is one smart cookie. Although it is Asteya, non-stealing, that jumps out at ya here, such an act of utter disregard denies the unique potency of all the Niyamas and Yamas.
In high hopes that you and i will be bright examples of goodness in the world...
"Donations for the food drive are being accepted through Dec. 7 at the Chavez Center, City Hall and Fort Marcy Complex. Collected items will be distributed to hungry families and nonprofits in Santa Fe"
..and may we all be forgiven.
and thank you JD for the news flash.
another news flash. i found my wallet! it was in my jacket pocket all along. der...
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