- (Montana 2000 Rainbow Gathering...where i first met Ram Dass!)
- O you who dwell In the house made of the dawn,
- In the house made of the evening twilight . . .
- Where the dark mist curtains the doorway,
- The path to which is on the rainbow . . .
- I have made your sacrifice.
- I have prepared a smoke for you.
- My feet restore for me.
- My limbs restore for me.
- My body restore for me.
- My mind restore for me.
- My voice restore for me.
- Today, take away your spell from me.
- Away from me you have taken it.
- Far Off from me you have taken it.
- Happily I recover.
- Happily my interior becomes cool.
- Happily my eyes regain their power.
- Happily my head becomes cool.
- Happily my limbs regain their power.
- Happily I hear again.
- Happily for me the spell is taken Off.
- Happily I walk.
- Impervious to pain, I walk.
- Feeling light within, I walk . . .
- In beauty I walk.
- With beauty before me, I walk.
- With beauty behind me, I walk.
- With beauty below me, I walk.
- With beauty all around me, I walk.
- It is finished in beauty.
- It is finished in beauty.
- It is finished in beauty
Navajo Prayer
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