You dwell in my inwardness, in the depths of my heart, as souls dwell in bodies.
Nothing passes from rest to motion unless you move it in hidden ways,
O new moon.
This is the second Full Moon in Scorpio-Taurus this year, heightening the contrast between what we want to cultivate and what we need to release.
With the Sun in Taurus, the first earth sign, the cosmic quiz is on matter. How are we doing in the world of form? How well are we taking care of our bodies, our resources, our planet?
Chiron, Mercury, and Neptune are all just days away from turning retrograde, amplifying their influence around this Full Moon.
On May 25, Chiron stations retrograde...the archetype of the Wounded Healer moves backward until October 25, encouraging the reclamation of our hopes and dreams.
On May 26, Mercury stations retrograde until June 19...the Messenger breaks up old mental patterning and fosters the reconfiguration of new neural pathways.
Also on May 26, Neptune stations retrograde...adding to Chiron's cosmic call for dreaming a new dream.
The Sabian symbols emphasize that this is a time of significant endings and beginnings. What are you living for? And what would you die for?
Remember that you are spirit playing in form.
"Be noble, for you are of the stars; be humble, for you are of the earth." (Slavic proverb)
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