The root of both samsara and nirvana is the mind.
Apart from what is born of the mind, nothing else whatsoever exists.
The manifold dance of illusory form
Is overcome when its creator, mind the magician, is brought under control.
Not understanding this is the delusory mind of the six realms,
And if you do understand, that is primordial awareness.
That primordial awareness is, in itself, Buddhahood,
And, as the quintessential buddha-nature (sugata-garbha), resides in the heart.
Look this way. Look into your own mind.
Wide the eyes that look out at everything,
But, like a beloved child one has long known,
What is it really like, this thing we call my mind??
Today the time has come to look at it:
Turning ones eyes from the manifold phenomena (dharma) of the external world,
To look within is the one profound and supreme Dharma .
Though you may enter into the primordial wisdom
Where all things are wordlessly known to be illusory
And of one taste with pure awareness,
Simply looking into this mind, in a single instant and one fell swoop,
You can burst open the cavern of object-craving mind
And see directly into the quintessence of primordial awakenedness.
This is why it is known as the short-cut path.
There is no need to unite the skillful means and insight of the realm of reality and its intrinsic awareness;
The fact that reality and awareness cannot be added to or subtracted from each other
Is now nakedly set forth, O fortunate one. A HO
The objective realm is the creative play of mind:
Without mind, who would there be to know these objects?
What is known and mind itself are inseparable:
This coming into being of nothing as such is a magical self-manifestation.
There is nothing whereby one could lay hold of the reality of mind:
If there were, you could meditate on the presence of such a something.
Similarly, if there were a (tangible) absence, you could meditate on the absence?:
Do not split it into such opposites.
That which is not two dispels the idea of duality;
That which cannot be definitely established as one, appears as a duality.
This - which cannot be conceived of even as this? -
Is the self-presencing of the King, Mind As Such.
Even if you don't know what to meditate on,
Simply seeing it as something unattainable,
(Although not as if you'd thrown something away),
Is to see into the foundations of the mind.
When you allow this, too, to remain in the realm of the unattainable,
Although there is no longer the smallest atom of concrete reality,
You possess the creativity of all-illumining knowledge,
The non-duality of reality and its intrinsic awareness inseparable.
Nothing as such, yet it has no essence of nothingness.
Examined, there is nothing. Left to itself, it is clear and bright,
Though - like the moon's reflection in water - not to be caught at by grasping for it.
Void of all essence of cause, effect, stillness or movement,
The intrinsic nature of this Voidness being a self-existent radiance
Whose compassionate response is never-ending,
What arguments of being and non-being could comprehend it?
When investigating, mind is an analogy for primordial awakenedness;
In understanding, it is pure awareness - the self-arising of primordial awareness -
What a miracle, this radiance of Mind-as-such!

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