In the kingdom of children
Every one of you is this child,
An innocent being
Who jumped out of heaven
And landed in Shambhala.
Fortunate birth is who you are-
Everything is perfect in your world.
Your clothing is the mist of heaven,
Your feet covered by dragon's breath,
You are the most fortunate beings on earth.
You are the children of dharma.
Nothing can close your open heart.
Other children suffer, caught in perpetual dilemma-
Because Buddha has touched you,
You are fortunate.
Be dharmic now,
Be powerful now,
Be benevolent now-
Not for me, not for others-
But because that is your blood.
When you feel privileged, use it.
When you feel ashamed, pounce.
Consume that hesitation-
It's only a flicker of your imagination.
You are the blessed people on this earth.
Every atom of your being is Buddha-
What's left is joy.
You have no excuse;
Don't sulk.
You can be sad, for sadness is
the most genuine expression.
Expression of goodness is who you are.
Being a child of dharma is dilemma.
Being a child of dharma is freedom.
Consume this hesitation of not knowing.
Never doubt,
Only walk forward.
Love everything,
For that is why you are here.
The Sakyong, Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche
Halifax, July 2002, at a gathering of young people

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