Monday, March 26, 2007

Sound Rhythm presents a Drum Circle every Sunday!

Everyone is welcome to come make rhythm with others in a nice acoustic environment.

Please bring drums and any percussive sound makers. There will some items available to use.

When: Sundays 4:30-6:00PM

Where: Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church (not affiliated with the church)2828 S.E. Stephens St., 97214 (between Hawthorne and Division)

Who: Anybody. Family and Friends

Suggested Donation: $3-5 (people should feel welcome if they aren't able to contribute)

Call or email Sound Rhythm Drumming if you have any questions

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I got wasted last night…liquor, beer- everything and anything. When I awoke at 3:30 in the morning I could not believe what I had done! My mouth was dry, my head was pounding, and in my heart- a little suspicious. It took a full few minutes to realize that it was a dream- another awful guilt ridden drinking dream. This happens frequently, when the sheets of sleep are super thin. It has been 259 days.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

And then i go out and do things like hike Mt. Tabor on a whim and its muddy and my heart rate is up and i’m thinking: "yeah, that’s nice to tie your shoe laces and all- but the real work is up ahead- sweating breathing, climbing!!" And yes a mountain is a mountain any way you climb it… and I want to freakin’ climb it. Enough with the idle walks around the riverfront- bring on the sweat, the fierce shit, the freakin’ adventure. Thank you, mountain- that was a good hike! (and i know.. Mt. Tabor is a mole hill..may there be more)

Monday, March 12, 2007

It just never ceases to amaze me- the ever changing and intricate quality of each and every practice, from the mindfulness of morning meditations to the infinite details of dinner; each time I go into the gym or lace up my running shoes, heck every time I bend over, there is a different feeling to the experience… it helps to re-mind me that this life is an amazing dance and that each moment is another opportunity to rise higher!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

"Now when that ignorance which grasps and apprehends things as inherently existent is realized to be erroneous, it opens up a possibility for us to see through the deception, and so put an end to the negative emotions that ignorance causes. Therefore there is a possibility of putting an end to suffering."

~the Dalai Lama

Smile and the world smiles back! Walking by the river, heart open- sun shining, every person i passed by was smiling; of course, so was i. Perhaps it is because we so rarely see the sun in Portland, and when we do, we turn into fun-loving sun adorning smilers.

Try it!

Monday, March 05, 2007

So I write about my dreams, so what?!
the spaces between the dream and awake states have become more or less transparent; random happenings within my dreams have become recognizable symbols; past, future and present are inextricably linked - so much that my life is a foreshadow of a memory.
Last night I dreamt of diamonds and dogs.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Meditation is not for him who eats too much,
nor for him who eats not at all; not for him
who is overmuch addicted to sleep, nor for
him who is always awake.

~Bhagavad Gita

Friday, March 02, 2007

Dear Friends:

Women's shelters in the U.S. go through thousands of tampons and pads monthly. Assistance agencies generally help with expenses of "everyday" necessities such as toilet paper, diapers, and clothing, but one of the most BASIC needs is overlooked - feminine hygiene products. (Yes, sexism is still alive and well.)

Seventh Generation, a green paper products and cleaning products company, will donate a box of sanitary products to a women's shelter in your chosen state - just for clicking the link. Talk about easy (and, yes, it is Legitimate)!

Thanks - and pass it on!